June 15, 2024
In the Summer of 2024, the A New Day Foundation hosted the “Focused N Financially & Technology Informed (F.I.T.) For A Different World” Conference.
Coming Soon.

June 10, 2023
In the Spring of 2023, the A New Day Foundation hosted the “Focused N Financially & Technology Informed (F.I.T.) For A Different World” Conference.
A New Day Foundation (ANDF) recently returned to the University of Southern California (USC) for their annual FOCUSED N F.I.T. For A Different World Conference. More than 190 student and parent participants were invited to a day of empowering workshops and presentations to hear from guest speakers like NBA superstar Byron Scott, Aidyl Gonzalez-Serricchio, Ph.D., scientist, and Outreach Director for the International Institute of Astronautical Science, and a chance to meet and make new friends.
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Since ANDF’s first conference in 2018, over 2,000 youth have participated in ANDF programs like Sisters Hangout (teen girls), MenTORS: Men Talking Of Relevant Situations (teen boys), and the FOCUSED N F.I.T. For A Different World Conference. Many of these youth have gone on to attend and graduate from college as well as begin successful careers. At this year’s conference, seven college-enrolled students received scholarships totaling $20K and new laptops; three high school juniors received Rashida Jones Achievement Awards, duly named for and sponsored by the television executive and president of MSNBC. Participants received tangible tools throughout the day of workshops and panel discussions on financial literacy, technology awareness, motivation/activation skillset management, and health and wellness.
Special thanks are extended to our leading corporate sponsors and conference collaborators. Among the leading sponsors are USC, U.S. Bank, Union Bank, Rashida Jones, The Massie Family, Aubrey Stephenson, Thrivent, Donald Driver Foundation, the Los Angeles Lakers, Google, and Northrup Grumman, Los Angeles Dodgers, Herbal Life. Conference collaborators included: Reggie Grant, NFL (ret.) & Entrepreneur; Laura’s House; Dr. Ronald S. Gamble, Jr.; Shamel Riley; Tensie Taylor; STAR Management Consulting; Junior Achievement; Gilmore Marketing Group; Rainbow Push Silicon Valley/Bay Area, and USC STEM vice chairman, Dr. Darin Gray.
For a complete list of FOCUSED N F.I.T. sponsors and to view the program, click here.

February 18, 2023 – Regeneration event
The A New Day Foundation hosted a joint MenTORS / Sisters Hangout! Experience to visit the Academy of Motion Pictures REGENERATIONS Exhibit, for Black Heritage month 2023. The extraordinary exhibit celebrated and highlighted the contributions and innovations of African Americans in cinema beginning in the 1920’s through the early 80’s. 30 Teens from the Zeta Phi Beta & Phi Beta Sigma Organizations attended the event and toured through the museum with ANDF Team Representatives: actors – Phil Morris & Charles Edmonds, author – Tensie Taylor, and ANDF Pres. Dawnn Lewis. After exploring the exhibit, the group was treated to lunch in the museum’s Fanny Brice Dining room then settled in for the “Safe Space” conversation, before departing for the day.

December 11, 2022 – Wakanda event
The A New Day Foundation bought out an AMC theatre to host a private screening of Wakanda Forever for 90 MenTORS & Sisters Hangout! participants.

July 9, 2022 – MenTORS Top Golf Event Photos
Our Foundation recently had two events: our annual Focused N F.I.T. Conference, as well as an outing for our teen boys program: MenTORS. We took a group of boys and their father to TOP GOLF and hosted a workshop day of Golf fundamentals, great fun & food, along with our signature “safe space” conversation. All led by esteemed actor, author & activist Dondré Whitfield assisted by his teenage son Dré.It was an amazing day of growth, connection, empowerment and vulnerability, that none of us will soon forget!
Along with the golf and MenTORShip, each participant received: LA Lakers & LA Dodgers swag, a signed copy of Dondré’s book “Male vs Man”, ANDF Ts, bags, notebooks and more! The event was attended by 6 Son/Father, Father-Figure partners, and ANDF Board Members Arnold Hackett, Adrienne Lamar-Snider and founder Dawnn Lewis.

April 16, 2022 – STEAM event
The A New Day Foundation hosted a Sisters Hangout! to teach young ladies how to code and develop video games. The workshop was led by Tech Guru LaRhonda Frost.

March 2020 – ANDF Youth Outing Event
The A New Day Foundation was excited to seize the opportunity to create a “Broadway Experience” for the University of Miami Senior Drama Students! It was truly our pleasure to host these aspiring performers – the Senior Drama Students to attend the matinee of TINA The Musical, while they were doing their Senior Showcase here in NY. Our post show “talk back” was fantastic and hard to believe an hour and half could pass so quickly!The students were joined by UofM alum and President Council Member Owen May. I am grateful to him for shifting his work schedule around at the last minute, in order to attend with the students. Owen is a very successful Financial Analyst and he definitely made a positive impression on them as well.

February 2020 – LAWA Event
The ANDF is excited to announce that 45 students from Inglewood High School, St. Bernard High School, Jordan High School and the A New Day Foundation, spent the day at the Los Angeles Airport (LAX), learning the in’s & out’s of working in aviation from LAX Employees during LAWA’s (Los Angeles World Airports), Job Shadow Day! We sincerely thank LAWA, United Airlines, Delta Airlines and the Flight Path Museum and Learning Center for participating in this awesome event.

May 4, 2019 – Focused N FIT Event
In the Spring of 2019, the A New Day Foundation presented the “Focused N Financially & Technology Informed (F.I.T.) For A Different World” program, at LA Trade Tech College in Los Angeles. The foundation and its program partners offered a day long conference providing tangible tools of financial and technological literacy, as well as motivational skills and scholarships to low to moderate income college and college bound high school students and their parents.
The A New Day Foundation presented Scholarships and new laptop computers to Eight (8) deserving students.

July 2018
– Focused N F.I.T. For A Different World Event
ANDF Sponsors Appreciation Reception
The A New Day Foundation was proud to salute our Focused N F.I.T. For A Different World Conference Sponsors and partners. The reception also celebrated the One Year Anniversary of the Foundations Official Launch. Nearly 70 guests attended the lovely affair hosted by the Junior Achievement Organization at the Finance Park Location in Los Angeles. Among those in attendance & honored for their support: ANDF Board Members George Gibbs, Arnold Hackett, Cheri Haft, Adrienne Lamar-Snider; Los Angeles Urban League President Michael Lawson; Jan Perry; XEROX Corp, UPS, LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas’ off; Louis Lucido; USC; LAUSD; SoCal Gas; RBC Wealth Management; AIDS Healthcare Foundation; Coca Cola Foundation; US Bank; Northrup Grumman; YWCA and Representative Karen Bass’ office honored the A New Day Foundation with a Commendation For Our Service To The Community!The A New Day Foundation presented Scholarships of $2,000.00 each and new laptop computers to Eight (8) deserving students. Computers Sponsored By: Malcolm Goodwin & Arnie Burghoff. Scholarships Sponsored By: UNCF
May 26, 2018
In the Spring of 2018, the A New Day Foundation presented the “Focused N Financially & Technology Informed (F.I.T.) For A Different World” program, on USC’s campus in Los Angeles. The foundation and its program partners offered a day long conference that provided tangible tools of financial and technological literacy, as well as motivational skills and scholarships to low to moderate income college and college bound high school students and their parents.
The A New Day Foundation presented Scholarships of $2,000.00 each and new laptop computers to Eight (8) deserving students. Computers Sponsored By: Malcolm Goodwin & Arnie Burghoff. Scholarships Sponsored By: UNCF

July 21, 2018 – Mentors Event
July 2018 The A New Day Foundation hosted 12 of our MenTORS on an outing to the National Bill Pickett Rodeo! Our MenTORS attended the Bill Pickett Rodeo where the A New Day Foundation provided lunch and empowerment workshops, after which, they were treated to an exciting evening of Cowboys & Cowgirls, Bronco Busting, Roping and Riding, like they’d never before seen. The Foundation arranged for a number of the cowboys to speak with the MenTORS, sharing their experience of being a Black Cowboy in America, and what is involved in the care and keeping of horses, and following your dreams. The MenTORS learned a lot, and where the group began as strangers, they ended the day having made strong connections with the other young men in the group.
This was done in partnership with Glynn & Jo An Turman’s IX Winds Ranch Foundation.

August 18, 2018 – Sisters Hangout
The A New Day Foundation hosted 20 of our Our Sisters Hangout! teens to an overnight retreat at Camp Gid D Up! A dude-ranch experience hosted by Glynn & Jo An Turman and their IX Winds Ranch Foundation. For the last 28 years, the Turman’s have turned their desert multi-acre ranch, into a summer camp for Inner City Youth. Our Sisters Hangout Teens spent all day learning how to ride horses, rope steers, archery training, arts n crafts, camping out & more! The A New Day Foundation infused the day with conversations about positive self imaging, healthy life choices, and closed out the evening with our “safe space” workshop by the campfire, under the stars! We awoke the next day, and did it all over again! The lives of the 20 girls that participated, will never be the same!

November 18, 2018 – MenTORS & Sisters Hangout Event
The A New Day Foundation partnered with LA Studios & Blizzard Entertainment to host a joint outing for 16 of our MenTORS & Sisters Hangout! Teens! On November 10, the Teens spent the day getting firsthand knowledge and experience in the creation of animation & video game projects! The sessions were held at one of the most prestigious recording studios in Los Angeles – LA Studios, and the teens were instructed by Ms. Lewis in the creation and performance of character voices; by award winning director – Andrea Toyias, on how to break down scripts & direct voice over actors; and engineer – Oleg Belogorsky, in the techniques of audio engineering, recording and microphone set ups for animation & video games! By the end of the Workshop Session, each teen experienced all three crucial elements of developing an animated project! Lunch was provided, as well the empowerment workshop that the A New Day Foundation is committed to offering for their growth and improved self awareness. In our experience, these “safe-space” conversations have been life savers & game changers for our Teens.

Coming soon. Please check back periodically.

Sisters Hangout; Several times a year, Dawnn Lewis hosts Self Esteem, Self Awareness and Image Building outings for Teen Girls ages 13 – 19 in groups of 8 – 20 at a time. At each outing, a small group of women 21 and over, joins her to create a safe space for these hard to reach teens to share & discuss difficult subjects, teach them etiquette, cooking, fellowship, self esteem, while exposing them to new experiences, cultural opportunities, guest speakers, and more.

“A NEW DAY Concert For A Cause: The Entertainment Family Gives Back”; This bi-annual event is a unique All-Star concert experience, featuring celebrity Musicians, Civic Leaders, Singers, Artists & Performers, generously DONATING their performance/appearance to raise awareness & financial support for community based non-profit organizations that serve the Inner City Community. Past beneficiaries: Los Angeles Urban League, EMPOWHER Institute, K.I.S.Foundation For Sickle Cell Disease.

MenTORS : Men Talking Of Relevant Situations; Several Times a year, Dawnn Lewis hosts SelfEsteem, Self Awareness and Image Building outings for Teen Boys ages 13 – 19 in groups of 8 – 20 at a time. At each outing, a small group of men 21 and over, joins her to create a safe space for these hard to reach teens to share & discuss difficult subjects, teach them life skills, male-to-male fellowship & empowerment, self esteem, social skills, while exposing them to new experiences, cultural opportunities, guest speakers and more.
Focused N Fit Event Photos
Click Here to Open a Complete Photo Gallery of the FNF Conference 2023

Regeneration Event Photos
MenTORS Top Golf Event Photos
Focused N F.I.T. For A Different World
Focused N F.I.T. For A Different World — “ANDF Sponsors Appreciation Reception”
Sisters Hangout
MenTORS & Sisters Hangout! @ LA Studios / BLIZZARD Entertainment Animation Creation Workshop